This function connects to Czech State Administration of Land Surveying and Cadastre ( API to reversely geocode an address. As consequence it is implemented only for Czech addresses.
Input of the function is a sf
data frame of spatial points, and
output a vector of characters.
The function returns the same sf
data frame as input, with added field
revgeocoded; it contains the result of operation. Should the data frame contain
a column named revgeocoded it will be overwritten.
In case of reverse geocoding failures (e.g. coordinates outside of the Czech Republic and therefore scope of ČÚZK) NA is returned.
In case of API failures (CUZK down) the function returns NAs again, with a message.
Usage of the ČÚZK API is governed by ČÚZK Terms & Conditions -
# \donttest{
brno <- obce_polygony() %>% # shapefile of Brno
filter(NAZ_OBEC == "Brno") %>%
st_transform(5514) # planar CRS (eastings & northings)
#> RCzechia: using dataset stored locally in ~/.rczechia
pupek_brna <- st_centroid(brno) # calculate centroid
#> Warning: st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over geometries
adresa_pupku <- revgeo(pupek_brna)$revgeocoded # address of the center
#> [1] "Žižkova 513/22, Veveří, 61600 Brno"
# }